“Shoji at Shugakuin-so”

My sketchbooks are chock full of drawings of natural phenomena: logs caught in a stream, bird nests, cells magnified 2500 times by the scanning electron microscope, rock formations, trees hanging tenaciously to nearly bare rock, great blue herons, twisted thistles, driftwood fragments, seeds picked up on a walk, shells found at ocean's edge, organic shadows from plants, striated stones or weathered bones.

My studio also is cluttered with nature's treasures I have found. Their forms and systems are mysteriously designed through eons of evolutionary processes. For me the natural world is an amazing phenomenon.

As I closely observe the natural world, it speaks to me about so much of life

  • about serendipity

  • about life's interactions

  • about destructive forces and adaptability

  • about nature's cycles, life cycles

  • about interdependencies, connectedness, and enduring relationships

  • about time and inevitable change, 

  • about permanence, fragility, order and chaos

  • about reality and illusion

  • about links between shadows and memory

  • and about new life springing from old

The natural objects and phenomena I observe become windows of insight. My images in lithography, woodcut, intaglio or monoprint, are metaphors about life journeys.

“Seasoned by Time”, lithograph

“Out of the Old Come the Young", lithograph/monotype

“Becoming Lace”, lithograph/monotype